Twelve years ago, I had two successful businesses and a full, active life. Everything seemed to be going perfectly until my body started to betray me. What began as discomfort quickly spiralled into over three years of unrelenting nerve pain in my neck, shoulders, and arms. I was in severe daily pain, unable to work, or even care for my family. High doses of strong pain medications took the edge off, but nothing could truly touch the nerve pain which was there day and night.

I underwent four major surgeries—two in my neck, one in my shoulder, and finally a hip replacement. Once the "hardware" issues were resolved, I was left with chronic pain throughout my entire body and the nerve pain was still there! I felt utterly helpless, convinced that this could be my life from now on. My hopes that the surgeries would resolve the pain were crushed, I tried every therapy available, but nothing brought meaningful relief. My business partner was amazing and took over everything, but we couldn’t carry on like that forever. I had to give up my businesses and consulting work, as I knew I could not return with my health as it was, and life as I knew it was gone.

I couldn’t lift my arms, drive, or carry even the lightest bag. A simple trip to the shops would leave me wiped out for days. I tried hard to be positive but chronic pain affects your mental health as well as physical. At my lowest point, I was invited to be an inpatient at a London Pain Management Clinic—an invitation I interpreted as confirmation that this was my new reality. My stubborn nature kicked in. I thought, "There has to be another way."

I had fully recovered from my last surgery and was able to cut down on some of the pain medication when I met an exceptional pain and movement specialist who worked miracles. After just one session, I was able to lift my arm and zip up my own coat—something I hadn’t been able to do in years! I started to feel a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time.

This small breakthrough gave me the courage to try gentle yoga. My only goal was to move, in any small way I could. I couldn’t cross my legs or raise my arms, but I kept showing up. Thankfully, I found the best yoga studio around, with an owner who was incredibly patient and supportive. At the same time, I began weekly gentle massages to calm my overly sensitive body—a body where even a featherlight touch could feel like a punch.

The first time I crossed my legs at yoga without even thinking about it, I felt tears in my eyes. I started getting stronger, and the pain began to subside. I was finally able to work for a couple of hours at a time, though it often meant needing the entire next day or more to recover. Bit by bit, I began to improve. I was able to stop all 22 daily pain medications, patches, and liquids I had depended on for so long. My husband, family, and friends started to see glimpses of the Kaye they knew returning.

Going through this experience, I realised how isolating and overwhelming chronic pain can be—not just for the person suffering, but for their loved ones as well. Those difficult times gave me a deep sense of compassion for others facing similar struggles and a new perspective on the true impact of pain and the challenges so many people face every day

Today, I still practice yoga at the same incredible studio, and you’d never guess where I started from seeing how I can move my body now. I (try) to prioritise my health every single day, doing the things I know keep my body strong and resilient. That said, I still enjoy cake and chocolate—I believe in balance! I still have joint issues and occasional nerve pain flare-ups, but now I can use this amazing treatment on myself, and it works!

I retrained because I know firsthand how chronic pain can take over your life. If this treatment had been available back then, it could have saved me years of suffering. Now, I’m passionate about helping others find relief, regain their freedom, and live the lives they deserve.

Take that first step today—because you don’t have to live with pain forever.

No obligation—get in touch here!


My Story